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Botanical Name: Crateva adansonii

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:51 PM

Photo Description: None

Family: Capparaceae
Common Name: वरुण
Etymology - Genus: From the Greek kápparis, originating in the Near or Middle East.
Etymology - Species: Named for Michel Adanson, 18th century French surgeon, botanist and naturalist.
Ecosystem: Deciduous
Origin: Native
Location: Pune
Description: Medium size tree with rough, brownish, spotted bark. Young branches have white dots.Alternate leaves with long petiole.Three leaflets are at the end of the petiole. Shining, glabrous leaflets. Mature leaflets have long tail like end (Acuminate)Flowers appear at the end of the branch in Corymb inflorescence.Flowers are born along with new leaf growth. Very delicate, fragrant flowers look awesome against a lush green leaves background. White flowers turn yellow on maturity.Many stamen bursting outward, a typical Capparaceae family character.I have not observed fruits on 2 plants those I have seen. Saplings are observed arpund the tree, these must be root suckers.
Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:16 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:16 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:17 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:16 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:17 AM

Photo Description: None

Root type: Taproot
Stem Appearance: Tree
Stem Cross Section: Circular
Stem Texture: Rough
Root-Stem-Bark Description: Medium size tree with rough, brownish, spotted bark. Young branches have white dots.
Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:14 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 07:49 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:50 PM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:17 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 27-Mar-2023 09:17 AM

Photo Description: None

Leaf - Characters

Attachment: Petiolate
Stipules: Exstipulate
Leaf Type: Trifoliolate
Phyllotaxy: Alternate-Spiral
Leaf Description: Alternate leaves with long petiole.

Leaflet - Characters

Lamina: Elliptic
Lamina Bases: Oblique
Lamina Margins: Entire
Lamina Apices: Acuminate
Lamina Texture: Glabrous
Venation: Reticulate-Unicostate
Leaflet Description: Three leaflets are at the end of the petiole. Shining, glabrous leaflets. Mature leaflets have long tail like end (Acuminate)
Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 07:51 AM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:50 PM

Photo Description: None

Inflorescence - Characters

Inflorescence: Corymb
Bract: Ebracteate
Inflorescence Description: Flowers appear at the end of the branch in Corymb inflorescence.

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:49 PM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:46 PM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:50 PM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:51 PM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:52 PM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:50 PM

Photo Description: None

Flower - Characters

Flower Type: Complete
Flower Symmetry: Zygomorphic
Thalamus Types:
Position of Whorls: Hypogynous
Flower Description: Flowers are born along with new leaf growth. Very delicate, fragrant flowers look awesome against a lush green leaves background. White flowers turn yellow on maturity.

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:53 PM

Photo Description: None

Crateva adansonii

Photo Credit: Madhavi Kavi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 23-Mar-2023 15:52 PM

Photo Description: None

Floral Parts - Characters

Calyx Arrangement:
Calyx Persistance:
Calyx Number of sepals:

Corolla Arrangement:
Corolla Appendages:
Corolla Number of petals: 4

Perianth Arrangement:
Perianth Number of tepals:

Androecium Attachment of anther: Basifixed
Androecium Length of filament: equal
Androecium Union of Stamens: Free stamens
Androecium Number of Stamens: many

Gynoecium Placentation:
Gynoecium Union of Carpels:
Gynoecium Number of Carpels:

Floral Parts Description: Many stamen bursting outward, a typical Capparaceae family character.
Fruit type:
Fruit type Description:
Seed Type: Dicotyledon
Germination type:
Dispersion Method:
Preprocessing for germination:
Germination time:
Seed shelf life:
Germination %:
Seed Description: I have not observed fruits on 2 plants those I have seen. Saplings are observed arpund the tree, these must be root suckers.

Contact - Mandar Joshi, 0091-9637527026, [email protected]
Copy Right - All images & text description on this site are copyrighted and may not be used without permission.